30 January 2013

Special Trails : EVALICE!!! open ouo

Urusai! Urusai!! =.=** I know my english and grammar ish so so bad. DX

oh well, 

Eva-nyan! my wish you HAPPI HAPPI B'DAY!

my glad glad to meet n be your fwend!
me seriously miss me time with you when at school... 

anyway, Happy B'day!

and.. well, urm, here's another something...

open the link oxo;;

[sorry i have to remove it. ^^.....]

d-dun laugh or anything for my monotone voice. >A<;;
me just feelin' like me wants to sing happi b'day for you... >.>;;
so, uh, well...

and, ignore the last thing me said. DX;;;

that's really really random >A<;;;
RANDOM i say, random! >w<;;;

and.. Tsuki say Happi B'day too XDD